Ten lessons I learnt in search of Telos

Telos is extracted from the Greek word τέλος which means “end”, “purpose“, or “goal”. The search for Telos has set man on an endless pursuit, a good example is the Greek philosopher, Aristotle who’s name coincidentally means “The best purpose”. He believed that man moves from an imperfect state to a perfect state in a teleological development – that the essential nature of things lay not at their cause but at their end (Telos). It is all about the journey, the pursuit of telos and the virtues we pick up from this pursuit/ journey.

I personally have found that the pursuit for purpose has tested me in every way possible; for as much as I crave purpose, it requires sacrifice. But that is a post for another day. Today I want to share with you what I have had to practice religiously in my own quest for purpose. The earthly pleasures I have had to give up and the intangible virtues I have picked up that I will carry with me for the rest of my life. Below is the list I came up with off the top of my head.

1. Vision

To have vision is to set a goal; a deadline. Having a vision for what you want out of life; it is very exciting and motivates one to see it come to life. But some people might not know how to hornet these visions or some might set out to but get discouraged after three or four failed trials. Fear can sometimes take place were vision once brewed. This is were self doubt and victimising of oneself comes in, and this the killer of purpose. One time or another, we have all been subject to this. It is not news to anyone on their journey to purpose. Trials and errors are what led to success; to purpose. So if your vision has been crowded by the clouds of fear and self doubt, you need to get it together. But how, you might ask. I recently listened to a ted talk daily podcast by Raymond Tag and he was sharing lessons he learnt from an ancient Chinese philosopher called Tao ate Ching who wrote a small book called ” Philosophy of water”. He shared with listeners how that book helped him understand how to refocus his vision by simply using nature’s element – water; embodying its virtues of humility, harmony and openness. With humility you learn selflessness, with harmony you master self love and awareness, lastly with openness you embrace change. Just from listening to this podcast, I learnt that embracing all three virtues will help one bring them closer to their purpose. For it is in being selfless that we find purpose, it is in being self awareness that we find our true self and it is in openness that we embrace our true density. All this requires refuelling of ones vision.

2. Logging off and Prioritising

The internet and great innovators have managed to bring us the beauty that is mass media communication. With platforms like Instagram, twitter, Facebook, other information platforms like print media and broadcast media; there is too much information coming to us all at once. But is this a good thing? I once had to work for a new company where I found myself spread thin because I had started taking on new responsibilities that were not assigned to me as the company was facing downsizing issues. This exhausted me as I was taking in too much information all at once from the different roles I was assigned to. I found myself not achieving much as I was spread thin and not forcing on what was most important. I was waking up to 60 emails, 20 missed calls and 100 messages nearly every other morning. Something had to give, and it ended up being my productivity due to the pressure. What I learnt from this is that it is necessary to log off and prioritise. I had to learn how to do without my social media sites; this meant I had to close down my accounts for a while and train myself not to check them every other minute I was bored at work/ school or home. And I learnt to say no to the multiple responsibilities being thrown at me. I had to turn down the extra zeros that had been added to my pay check as it was not worth my sanity and reputation at work. With this I had more free time to focus on pursuing my purpose. Priorities are what make up the hugest part on the journey of pursuing one’s purpose. Man can not walk in purpose with distractions from social media and all the other information being thrown at him/her. There needs to be self control; a virtue that can only be learnt from prioritising and giving up worldly distractions.

3. Prayer and meditation

Prayer should have been at the top of my list as it is a habit that is very necessary in one’s pursuit of purpose. Prayer is a very personal act that involves man, his/her spirit and the a spiritual being that is not seen to man. I do not think meditation is far from prayer because it entails deep concentration on ones self and the energies around them. So in this case prayer is meditation for me for I get to reflect on where I was, where I am and where I want to be/going to be. I found that without this my thoughts get crowded, I get weary and weighed down by the weight of the world and the thing around me. Meditation helps one find balance in this world, and with balance comes purpose. It all works together. So finding time for prayer and meditation is essential because it opens up your mind to listen to your true self, to reconnect with your purpose; your reason for being.

4. Podcasts

Listening to podcast while I get ready in the morning, on a nature walk or before going to bed has become a routine for me. I indulge in all sorts of poadcast genres; these being politics, creative arts, talk podcasts like TED talks, educational, science fiction etc. I have always been a curious cat since I was a kid so the fact that there is such a thing as a podcast forum with any and everything on the table being talked about is a good way to stay educated and informed on topics you are interested in. I find that podcasts are today’s getaway into the mind of humanity; they allow you to learn from others, become a better listener and get you to tap into your creative and imaginative psyche. With this part of your mind open, it is there that you will find your way to purpose.

5. Exercise

Working out is a good replacement for bad vices. A man with purpose has to fight and win the battle with his vices. Indulgences like alcohol, movies/series, video games, sex, cigarettes and gossiping to mention but a few have to be traded in for bicycle riding, kick boxing, yoga and Zumba. A healthy mind needs a healthy body and this means you have to exercise. Not only do you physically look good as a result but the dopamine released from this will have you clear minded which will help you in your quest for purpose.

6. Healthy hobbies

Indulging in healthy hobbies like reading, writing, nature walks, listening to meaningful music and running are a few good way of connecting with ones true nature. Reading philosophy and poetry written by greats like Plato, Aristotle, Buddha, Nelson Mandela, Hannah Arendt and the enigma that is Socrates has somewhat been an interesting ride for me. It has helped me learn the art of mastery which is essential to the pursuit of purpose. Writing on the other hand is the tangible virtue that has immortalised man. This way of self expression is one that will never go out of style and has been proven through the centuries to be a great path to purpose. Without the writings of the greats like Hippocrates we would not be this far with medicine and without Plato’s writing exploring his teacher Socrates’s teaching, we would not have the Socratic circles. Finding healthy hobbies is a good way to pass time and master several arts, all which are required for the pursuit of Telos.

7. Healthy eating

I the words of the great Socrates, “Thou shouldt eat to live; not live to eat“. What does this mean? Man is not meant to over indulge in the pleasure that food beings unless it is for sustainment and nourishment. To eat anything just because it tastes good is slow suicide. Food that is not fuelling the body only slows it down mentally and spiritually. So if your intention is to find purpose with your time on earth, eat food that nourishes your body and avoid that which slows you down.

8. Giving

When it comes to the virtue of giving this means generally giving without the intent of expecting something back. Giving back be it financially or emotionally without obligation is a virtue not all have. I have found that a good way for me to feel purposeful is by helping or volunteering where I can. The bible has so many good stories on this, God giving up his only begotten son Jesus Christ for us is one of them. Giving is a selfless, boundless and an immeasurable act which leaves you with an overwhelming feeling of purpose.

9. Forgiving

To forgive means to whip clean and start anew. Man has proven that carrying around blame and resentment only leaves you feeling hateful and depressed. You tie every bad thing to one moment from the past and this gets you nowhere. To forgive, you set yourself free. You get to start a fresh while learning from past mistakes and misjudgments. Forgiving is a different kind of giving; it is a virtue you give to yourself. One that is needed on the path to purpose.

10. Reconnect with loved one

Loving another human being is the beginning to the endless energy that the universe has to offer to us. So reconnecting with family and friends is necessary when searching for Telos for it is in these connections that we truly get to know who we are. Also when you open/reopen doors with new encounters/old friends, it allows room for interaction and with interaction comes opportunities. Opportunities of work, business partnerships or love; all which play an important part in fulfilling your purpose on this planet.

The above ten virtues come free with no stringless attached just a few things sacrificed all in the greater good of Telos. When practised religiously with intention, I believe these to be a few ways man can tap into the greatness that we are and fully start our journey to fulfilling our time here on earth. These are not guaranteed steps for it requires one to be fully ready and desperate enough for them to work. Discipline plays a major role too. I hope you enjoyed the read.

Red Painted Doors

Devon 1 - August, 2012 168I sync the waves life has thrown at me

Infusing my very own heart beat with the thunders in dark blue skies

I have danced to the music of silence,

The loud kind of silence

The kind of silence that paints rainbows on street walls

And open red painted doors

Doors that lead to oblivions

Doors that open souls to Solitude

Red painted doors that challenge the universe

That question the existence of mortal creators and monsters that leave under your bed

I have danced in the rain behind red painted doors6878242_2013-50x40-dancing-in-the-rain-oil-canvas

Soaked in sky tears,

Danced underneath stars

With my feet embracing the sandy beaches and bonfires

I have leaved like saints on mountains

Fasting for 40 days of epiphanies that will break life’s coordinates

Living life as a quote;

Picking out lines like Red painted doors and blissful solitude

Using words as a weapon of amity

Brining meaning to feelings not expressed

I have jelled all of these things with the classic that is my life

My life that will go into history as a one hit wonder

So I will continue opening red painted doors

And dancing in storm thunder rains

Becoming one with the universe

And exploring the life behind those red painted doors.